Districts are assigned geographic groupings existing to support the health and standing of sections and, through them, advance the Society strategy. A District is a Society unit and is not separately incorporated. A District is a grouping of sections, not members.
Geographic Assembly
Chair, Chair-elect, Nominator, Secretary, Membership Chair, Student Liaison, Section-Division Liaison, Connect Chair, and Program Chair representing a diversity consistent with Society’s policies and values.
The Chair may form sub-committees as needed.
District Chair-elect is elected by the district’s section delegates from nominations approved by the Executive Board. If there is a vacancy, the Geographic Assembly may appoint someone until an election is held. All other positions are appointed by the District Chair.
To respect Society values for diversity and inclusion, all Districts are required to transition leadership between states, countries, or primary language, depending on scope of District.
Chair-Elect term is 1 year, becoming the District Chair for a 1-year term immediately after. All District positions coincide with Society operating year.
Expected Commitment
6-8 hours per month plus attendance and District Leadership Meetings.
Chair and elect are expected to attend Geographic Assembly and Society meetings.
Districts will host virtual discussions, documents, notes and resources on their ISA Connect community.
Roles and Authorities
Makes Recommendations to the Geographic Assembly
The International Society of AutomationPO Box 12277 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709E-Mail: info@isa.orgPhone: (919) 549-8411Fax: (919) 549-8288
© International Society of Automation