The PowerPoint presented at the meeting is attached. Thanks Royal. PowerPoint_Royal.pdf
We welcome you to see a program on Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) and network in person with Los Angeles Section member of ISA. We look forward to seeing you.
Presentation Topics:
a. What is a PLC? Why are they used?
i. Will dive shallowly into the history of Relay Logic
b. Basic how/what programming language is.
i. Input
ii. Output
iii. Types of programming language
c. Evolution/future of Automation/PLC Technology
i. Industry 4.0
Royal Industrial Solutions is providing dinner for the event for up to 50 people. Please email William Lindquist with any dietary restrictions.
Presentation Information:
Royal Industrial Solutions is a technology consultant and solutions provider specializing in Industrial Automation, Manufacturing, Controls, and Power. We have hundreds of years of experience within our team with one of the largest footprints of personnel in the Greater LA Area. We are proud to present this presentation around PLCs (programmable logic controllers) and industrial technology to the Los Angeles Chapter of the ISA.