Register for Technician Training Boot Camp (TTBC) June 3-7 2024 in Houston Use Code HOUS2024.for Discount!
ISA Technician Training Boot Camp combines a unique technical training course with minimum lecture and maximum hands-on experience. Over 75% of your time will be spent on equipment labs!
This week of intensive training will cover a broad range of technical topics needed to get the job done right. Starting with basic instrumentation fundamentals and ending with the advanced and ultimate in smart technology, this comprehensive program will serve as a vital building block to your professional development and skills enhancement efforts. This course also serves as a solid introduction to other ISA courses that will help you advance your automation and control career.
This course focuses on the knowledge required by a control systems technician with five years' experience in performing maintenance, calibration and troubleshooting tasks typical of a plant floor environment. It will test an individual's skill sets and serve as a self-assessment of additional training needs and will:
The International Society of AutomationPO Box 12277 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709E-Mail: info@isa.orgPhone: (919) 549-8411Fax: (919) 549-8288
© International Society of Automation