June 26-27 2023 ISA Advanced Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Selection Course (EC52) Cybersecurity Des

Starts:  Jun 26, 2023 09:00 AM (CT)
Ends:  Jun 27, 2023 05:00 PM (CT)
Associated with  Houston
Accelerate Your Career with the ISA Technician Training Boot Camp in Houston (Kenesix)
Have You Wanted to Get Your ISA Technician Training Boot Camp  Certification?  

Use promo code HOUS2023 to save 10% on your registration!

ISA Houston and ISA expands on the knowledge required by control systems technicians and focuses on the maintenance, calibration and troubleshooting tasks found in a typical plant floor environment.  From instrumentation fundamentals to the latest advancements in smart technology, this course covers a broad range of technical topics in a dynamic and hands-on training format.  
June 26-27 2023 ISA Advanced Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Selection Course (EC52) Cybersecurity Design & Implementation (IC34)  Register at https://myisa.force.com/ISA/s/community-event?id=a1U8W00000CYqwjUAD&__hstc=16245038.20e84938cc04d3bb899289ddb58e58cf.1679504184575.1679504184575.1679771224322.2&__hssc=16245038.1.1679771224322&__hsfp=3614612612


15995 N Barkers Landing Road Ste 143