Rio de Janeiro

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Logo of Rio de Janeiro SectionAbout:
Rio de Janeiro Section started on February 19, 1990. More than 30 years old now! It is one of the most active Sections of District 4 (Brazil), having a strong regional presence. Our programs are focused on local events, like traditional face to face technical meetings that include always a break interval to boost networking opportunities among the participants. We also focus on education and training, offering several technical courses delivered face to face and now online too.

Our board:

Our board is formed by 10 people and we meet regularly once a month.

Volunteer opportunities:

If you are interested in a stimulating volunteer work, where you can develop your leadership skills, join us.


  • Encontro Técnico Virtual – Medidores de Vazão e de Nível Multifásicos – Novas Soluções

  • Celebrate March 8

    Let's celebrate March 8 by honoring and being inspired by the example of Ada Lovelace, mathematician, researcher, passionate about knowledge. And that by reflecting on a scientific article, by recording his reflections and sharing them with Babbage, he paved the way for the age of technology. Did he think about it? Probably not!
    But without a doubt she loved experiencing the research process, the opportunities for knowledge to be explored and expanded with the connections and partnerships she made throughout her life. Without a doubt, it has contributed to the world through Automation and Computing!
    And we all invite you to continue opening up this technological path.
    Happy Women's Day! Extending to everyone's mothers, grandmothers, wives, sisters, daughters, and granddaughters!

Volunteer Opportunities

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Student Liaison
Board Member
Program Chair
Section-Division Liaison