Savannah River

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Welcome to the ISA Savannah River Section.

Our section covers members in the state of Georgia and Southern South Carolina.

We are in the process of renewal and would invite you to join us and participate where you can.

Our monthly meetings are being held virtually on Zoom.  See link on the Events Page.

We are looking to add leaders/volunteers to the section.

Student Section
We are looking at growing student sections in our target area.  Please introduce us to any campus in our area who offers the related engineering and/or technology courses in the area of Automation.

We are always interested in the promotion of the interests of our members and their companies.


  • 2024 - Time To Re-Engage Atlanta - Savannah River International Society of Automation (ISA) Section!

    ISA's Atlanta - Savannah River Section leadership is working to revitalize our section in 2024. John A. Whitten, Elliott Bell, David Formby, and I are working to put together activities to create a stronger section but we need your input.

    Please feel free to reach out to any one of us and give your ideas on how we can help make this section stronger and more relevant to your ISA Section experience.

    We also invite you to join the next monthly meeting in February. Watch your ISA inbox for the meeting registration link.

    Thank you,
    Fred Gordy, President, ISA Atlanta - Savannah River Section
    National Practice Lead - Building Cybersecurity, Michael Baker International

Volunteer Opportunities

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Board Member
Membership Chair