Greater Oklahoma

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The Greater Oklahoma section is looking for volunteers who want to help make this section exciting!  We want to help our members achieve maximum benefit for their membership, with :
1- Educational and interesting program offerings
2- Training opportunities thru ISA's current resource of instructors, materials, and standards
3- Certifications that enhance our professional standing in our careers
4- Networking opportunities for information sharing, and enjoying time together with other professionals with similar interests

If you'd like to be a part of this exciting and beneficial effort, please contact Dave Eskridge at or Mike Miller at


  • ISA Greater OK Section ByLaws revision proposed

    Hello ISA Greater OK Section Members!

    ISA has reviewed our Section By Laws and asked us to revise them to meet their current standards for Section By Laws.  After several rounds of questions and replies, ISA has provided us a set of proposed By laws, which the Section board members have reviewed and are now ready to ask the membership to approve. 

    In order to be considered a section in good standing, our bylaws must be submitted and approved by the Geographic Assembly and the ISA headquarters staff.  A copy of these By Laws is attached for your review.  Please review the document and reply to the email which you should have received on Saturday, 6-8-24, with your approval, your questions or your disapproval.  Please reply promptly so that we may move this process forward.

    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly.

    Best regards,

    Mike Miller

    ISA-International Society for Automation - Greater OK Section Secretary/Treasure



    Section 1: The name of the section is ISA-The International Society of Automation-Greater OK Section.

    Section 2: The section was established in September 1947.

    Section 3. The section headquarters and jurisdiction will be in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.


    Section 1: These bylaws are the governing document for the activities of the section. The section is also governed by and subject to all policies set by the ISA Executive Board.

    Section 2:  The section exists to further the mission, vision, and values of ISA by providing local activities and meetings for the discussion of subjects relating to the automation industry.


    Section 1:  An ISA professional membership is a requirement for section membership.  Only ISA professional members who have selected this section as primary shall be members of the section. We will welcome and accommodate any ISA member visiting our area.


    Section 1: The section board shall consist of the following officers:

    ·       President

    ·       Secretary

    ·       Treasurer

    ·       Membership Chair

    ·       Program Chair

    Section 2: All positions on the board have voting rights. The board will also include a delegate and up to three (3) at-large (general) positions. To reach a quorum voting, 70% of the board must be present. Proxy votes will not be accepted.

    Section 3: The delegate shall act on behalf of the section at District Meetings and the Council of Society Delegates meeting.

    Section 4: The board shall:

    ·       Supervise the affairs of and conduct the business of the section

    ·       Ensure financial transactions comply with established financial policies and procedures


    The following process outlines the nomination and election process for board positions. All positions are open to all members of the section. Membership is required for all positions.

    ·       A nominating committee consisting of three (3) shall be selected by the president and confirmed by the board

    ·       An open call for nominations will be made to section members

    ·       The nominating committee will prepare and share with the membership a list of candidates for each office and the date and location of a vote

    ·       On the published date of the vote, the board members will be selected by a majority vote of members present

    If at any time during the term of service a position becomes vacant, the president will appoint a replacement, to be approved by the board, to fulfill the time remaining before the next election. If the office of president becomes vacant, the board will elect a new president from those non-appointed board members to serve until the next election.


    Committees may be appointed by the board. All committee actions, programs, and financial transactions are at the discretion of the board.


    Amendments to these bylaws must first be approved by the board. Upon approval, the board will notify the membership of the changes. If the board receives no objections to the changes within 30 days, the amendment is adopted, and the revised version is sent to ISA Headquarters.


    ISA may dissolve a section at any time. If current section officers decide the section needs to voluntarily dissolve, they must put the motion to a vote of the members. An affirmative vote of two thirds of the members is required. A lack of vote is considered affirmative. At any time and for any reason, if dissolution is actioned, all remaining funds will be allocated to ISA.

  • OSU-IT ISA Students attend ISHM

    It was a pleasure to see the OSU-IT ISA Student Section and their faculty advisors at the International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement in Oklahoma City on May 16

    OSU-IT Student section at ISHM 2024

Volunteer Opportunities

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Program Chair