The Membership Committee is responsible for advising on and facilitating the integration of member activities throughout the Society.
Group Type
Executive Board
- Review member dues, categories, and discount offerings
- Review value of membership
- Work with Sections to support retention and growth
- Work with Divisions to support retention and growth
8-12 professional members and a chair representing a diversity consistent with the Society’s policies and values.
Selection/ Appointment
Appointed by the Executive Board upon recommendation from the outgoing committee.
Terms coincide with Society operating year. Member terms are one-year renewable for up to three consecutive years. Chair: One-year term, renewable for two years.
Expected Commitment
2-4 hours per month
The committee will host virtual discussions, documents, notes and resources on their ISA Connect community.
Roles and Authorities
Makes Recommendations to the Executive Board
- Member dues and discounts
- Member benefits
- Life and senior member definitions
- Member satisfaction
- Retention and growth metrics