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Student Guardian Committee


The Student Guardian Committee focuses on areas in which the Society can build value in student membership.


1. Support growth in student membership

2. Support conversion of students to professional members.
3. Enhance value and programming for student members.


6 professional and 2 student members plus a chair representing a diversity consistent with Society’s policies and values

Selection/ Appointment

Appointed by the Executive Board upon recommendation from the outgoing committee. 


Terms coincide with Society operating yea and are one-year renewable for up to three years. Chair term is one year.

Expected Commitment

2-4 hours per month 

The committee will host virtual discussions, documents, notes and resources on their ISA Connect community. 

Roles and Authorities 

Makes Recommendations to the Executive Board

  • Programs to create or modify to enhance student member value 


    • Student membership in each District
    • Conversion of students to professional membership
    • Relevance of scholarship program
    • Student programs of similar societies


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    Committee Member
    Committee Member
    Committee Member
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