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Conference Advisory Committee


The Conference Advisory Committee reviews ISA event plans for consistency with the Society’s objectives and relevance to the automation community in line with the ISA events policy.


Executive Board


  1. Offer guidance regarding topical events
  2. Identify potential improvements for the event portfolio


8-10 professional members and a chair representing a diversity consistent with Society’s policies and values.

Selection/ Appointment

Appointed by the Executive Board upon recommendation from the outgoing committee.


Terms coincide with Society operating year and are one-year, renewable up to three consecutive years. Chair term is one year.

Expected Commitment

1-3 hours per month

The Committee will host virtual discussions, documents, notes and resources on their ISA Connect community.

Roles and Authorities

Makes Recommendations to the Executive Board

  1. Policies related to ISA events


  1. Requests for use of ISA name on events
  2. Metrics to measure event success


  1. Results of ISA events
  2. Competing technical events
  3. Market conditions that may affect the success of events


Committee Member
Committee Member
Committee Member
Committee Member
Committee Member
Committee Member
Committee Member
Committee Member