
  • Collaboration - Building Intelligence Group-Twin Cities (BIG-TC)

    Overview: Invitation to attend founding general meeting in Autumn of 2018, from an associate familiar with the founder, Brad Kult P. E. Associate Vice President, Director of Technology Services with HGA, a national Architectural Engineering company, and his interest to form a new non-profit.

    Mission: A cross disciplinary education, support, and networking organization that is dedicated to delivering intelligent commercial building solutions that maximize value for everyone who interacts with the built environment.
    From the first meeting and engagement with others, I immediately recognized the opportunity to begin to influence toward possible merger with our Twin Cities-MN ISA Section and operate as our Focus Group on Building Automation/Intelligence.
    The Meet-up is about 250 people strong in MN and has sparked interest in chapters forming in multiple cities as follows:
    • BIG-Raleigh - Kyle Shipp (DPR Construction)
    • BIG-StL - Kathi Bunyer (Schneider Electric)
    • BIG-IA - Jeff Carpenter (IMEG)
    • BIG-MKE - Craig Mertes (HGA), Jason Heindel (Faith Technologies)
    • BIG-Denver - Michael White (Siemens), James Dice (NREL)
    So, there are opportunities for others in ISA Sections near these cities to "join" and help influence those chapters to consider merging with ISA, now or sometime in the near future. 
    Contact me if you would enjoy that effort.