

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    Greetings  from ISA MAHARASHTRA.

    Hope you all members are  doing  well

    It is our  immense pleasure to announce that ISA MAHARASHTRA is conducting TUV-RHEILAND certified 1 day training on "FUNCTIONAL SAFETY TRAINING".

    This training will be conducted completely online on 19th May form 10.00 am to 5.00 pm.

    Fees structure for  training  will be  as follows

    ISA Member-INR 3000+18% GST
    NON ISA Member-INR 4000+18% GST

    You can transfer you  fees on below  bank details
    Pay Online
    ISA International Maharashtra
    HDFC Bank Limited
    SB AC No: 05401000197855
    ISFC Code: HDFC0000540
    MICR Code: 400240002

    Below topics will be  covered in training


    ·        Introduction of TUV Rheinland.

    ·       Introduction of Functional Safety.

    ·       Why Functional Safety.

    ·       Applicable Functional Safety Standards and their evolvement.

    ·       Hazard identification and Risk assessment.

    ·       Layers of Protection.

    ·       Concept of SIF and SIS.

    ·       Concept of Safety Integrity Level (SIL), Risk reduction.

    ·       Concept of Safe Failure Fraction (SFF)

    ·       Architectural Constraints and Hardware Fault Tolerance (HFT)

    ·       Safety Critical systems: Difference between prevention and mitigation.

    ·       Importance of Safety Requirement Speciation.

    ·       Functional Safety Competency of individuals and team working on Safety Critical Projects.

    ·       Functional Safety management (FSM).

    ·       SIL Verification.

    ·       Installation & Commissioning check lists.

    ·       Importance of Proof testing.

    ·       Incident Case study

    ·       Question & Answers.

    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us directly on below number.
    Mr. Niranjan - 7506180812
    Mr. Rushikesh - 9029670030

    Note: Examination is mandatory after completion of training for availing the certificate.

    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly.