
  • Section President's message for January

    ISA Sarnia Section - January 2021 President’s Message


    Happy New Year Everyone;


    Well here we are in 2021 which everyone has been waiting for but unfortunately 2020 is not quite letting go. We still have to keep our attention on the Covid-19 virus and how we can follow the guidelines but still attempt to get our ISA Sarnia section goals and plans accomplished, if possible. Now we know that ISA is not the foremost item in our mind but the camaraderie that we all have for one another when we safely meet after adhering to the rules is quite refreshing. We do though have a light at the end of the tunnel in that the vaccine should be rolled out shortly and then maybe we can see some daylight by the end of the year. Let’s hope for a safe end for us all.


    Sadly as of now we as an executive have cancelled the Sarnia ISA member dinner meeting for January 25th as the new guidelines may just end on the 23rd. We decided not to take the chance. It should also be known that as of this moment we have put our vendor table top show for April on hold. We will look at when the best time to reschedule as we watch the virus and how the vaccine is rolling out and the guidelines that are still in place.


    On a positive note we will be sending to the printer our 23rd edition of our ISA Sarnia Section Reference Guide to the Measurement & Control Market for 2021. We will also still be supporting the scholarships for the Lambton College students. 


    As we embark on the remaining months of our 2020-2021 year we are still be looking for new members, executives and committee assistance. 


    For all of the members that pay the full fee they have the standards and ISA specifications, ISA publications including the Intech magazine, the ISA website, seminars, training both web and classroom, industry networking and of course your local sections programs and events. The limit is only a personal limit as we know. Many doors can open. Honors and awards are a big item for ISA also as it recognizes the individual and groups. Sign up and it will help enhance all that you are and wish to become in your field of expertise. Plus we have standards discount, publication discounts, and discounts at all ISA functions including section activities, training discounts and some benefits that are available in certain areas of the globe. If a member chooses not to partake in any of these then that is their choice but they are available and would offset the full membership fee. If you the present members are working with your peers ask them why they do not choose to join. Invite them out to the next member dinner meeting.


    It should be noted that ISA has upgraded their website so if you see or have any issues please forward your concerns. ISA member services have also released “ISA Connect” for the use of all members and their communities. Take a look as everyone was sent out an email invitation.


    As always if you have any topic ideas for speakers please forward to our program chair. He can use any assistance in providing an interesting, current and enjoyable speaker to fill the dinner meetings, step up and let us know. We continue to strive for success and with all of your help we will get there.


    Any comments or concerns please let your Executive know. Remember any unspoken ideas or concerns are wasted thoughts unless we inform and act on them.


    I intend to keep you all informed as to what we are still doing or not doing as we step through this Covid-19 virus that has us in its grip. Be safe and continue to adhere to our Covid-19 guidelines.




    Mike Murray

    ISA Sarnia Section President

    January 2021