The Smart Manufacturing and IIoT Division (also known as SMIIoT) is the newest and fastest growing division of ISA aimed at helping our members grow professionally and technically. The primary goals of SMIIoT are to provide clarity around these ever-evolving spaces, develop useful technical content, develop standardized approaches to solve critical problems, and provide a forum for networking and collaboration. ISA's understanding and focus of Smart ManufacturingIndustry 4.0 and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) will continually evolve to adapt to the high level of activity and interest throughout the worldwide community, constant developments of new technologies, new applications, and new concepts from most of the major hardware manufacturers, solution providers, businesses, research institutions, and even governmental agencies.

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  • Could you share your experience and best practices for flame arrester temperature monitoring? Flame arresters have different max burning time rating: • Short Time Burning: 1 minute • Endurance Burning: 15 minutes (Type II) or 2 hours (Type I) • Unlimited ...

  • Hello Everyone!!! My name is Kudzai Mavhengere. I am currently working as a security delivery manager for Accenture Ireland. I am engineer at heart with a strong interest in OT Cyber Security, having accumulated over 15 years of experience working in Industrial Automation ...

  • Adding to what Jonas has linked to, Emerson's AMS Device Manager has multiple capabilities to support some of the above tasks. AMS Device Manager supports integration to well known documenting calibrators such as those from Fluke and Beamex. It's easy to schedule and create ...

  • Hello everyone, I am Andrés Arrieta . I'm from Ecuador, I am an automation and controls engineer, I work for an integrator company in Ecuador. I enjoy learning more about the new trends in the automation fields. I have experience with PLC's, SCADAS, HMI and Funtional Safety ...

  • AMS Device Manager does at least a few of those. See both the main software framework capabilities plus SNAP-ON apps: ------------------------------ ...

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