On-Point - Addressing LOPA weak points with Focused QRA by Edward M. Marszal

When:  May 2, 2024 from 09:00 AM to 10:00 AM (CT)
Associated with  Safety and Security Division

This webinar will explore how to leverage focused Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) to address weaknesses identified through Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA).

About the speaker: 

Edward M. Marszal is the President and CEO of Kenexis, a distinguished technical safety consultancy and software provider. Holding a Bachelor of Science degree in chemical engineering from The Ohio State University, Mr. Marszal has amassed over 25 years of experience as a pioneer in process safety.

A Fellow of the International Society of Automation (ISA) and a member of the ISA 84 and IEC SC65 committees, Mr. Marszal plays a pivotal role in shaping industry standards for safety instrumented systems design.

Passionate about transforming safety and security practices in industries, Mr. Marszal advocates for a shift towards in-house approaches, emphasizing consistency, quality, and cost-effectiveness. Under his leadership, Kenexis provides state-of-the-art software tools, comprehensive training, and technical support to facilitate this transition.

Mr. Marszal's influence extends beyond corporate realms, with a prolific portfolio comprising award-winning books, technical papers, and renowned training courses. Embracing new media, he continues to engage audiences through dynamic content, enriching technical discourse with video demonstrations and presentations.

In his capacity as President and CEO, Mr. Marszal spearheads Kenexis's vision, guiding engineering practices, technological advancements, client relationships, and operational excellence. A visionary leader, Mr. Marszal is dedicated to shaping the future of industrial safety and security.


Online Instructions:
Url: http://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAvdOCorDwuG9HIVEJ3ky7bgMN_EtTqV4Ar
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Durgesh Kalya