Southern North America District

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Congratulations to Western Carolinas Section and all SNA Sections exceeding membership growth and engagement goals

  • 1.  Congratulations to Western Carolinas Section and all SNA Sections exceeding membership growth and engagement goals

    Posted 28 Jan, 2023 12:23 PM
    Edited by Dean Bickerton 03 Feb, 2023 07:40 PM

    You may have seen the post by @Rachael McGuffin, CAE in the Section and Student Section Leaders community on the outstanding membership growth ISA experienced last year.  It was 11%, reversing a 5-6% decline in membership for the last 10 years.  Thanks to all the Southern North America section leaders who helped accomplish this outstanding membership growth result.

    We had a winner in the drawing for growth and engagement.  10 awards were given out globally and Western Carolinas Section was one of the winners of $500.

    CONGRATULATIONS Western Carolinas!!!! 

    Here are all the Southern North America sections who met and exceeded the 2% membership growth goal and sent renewal reminders and welcomes.  Great job by all!

    Section Growth - 2%+
    Greater Oklahoma
    North Texas
    Permian Basin
    Savannah River
    Southeast Texas
    Tampa Bay
    Western Carolinas

    Section Engagement - Renewal reminders and welcome messages sent every month
    North Texas
    Savannah River
    Tampa Bay
    Texas Channel

    Dean Bickerton
    Executive Board
    Southern North America District
    New Orleans Section
    The Reynolds Company