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Conduct Review Committee


This committee reviews and makes recommendations regarding conduct complaints.

Group Type



Executive Board


Review complaints thoroughly, fairly and in a timely manner.


12-15 professional members representing a diversity consistent with Society’s policies and values. Current members of the Executive Board are not permitted. All committee members must sign the conflict of interest disclosure and confidentiality agreement. 

Selection/ Appointment

Appointed by the Executive Board.


Terms coincide with Society operating year. Member terms are one-year, renewable up to three consecutive years.

Expected Commitment

Dependent on the number of complaints. With each complaint, 5 committee members who are available and not conflicted will form the review committee for that complaint. From the 5, the President will select a chair.


The committee documents, notes and resources will be maintained by staff. The committee will receive feedback from the Executive Board on its final decision.  

Roles and Authorities

Makes Recommendations to the Executive Board

1.    Actions to be taken in response to the conduct review.

2.    Penalties for any conduct or policy violation.

3.    Additional considerations resulting from a conduct review.

4.    Modifications to the review procedure.

Reviews, as necessary

1.    Feedback from the Executive Board

2.    Modifications to the complaint form

3.    Modifications to the template report


Supporting Information

Code of Conduct and Anti-Harassment Policy
