The Chemical and Petroleum Industries Division (also known as ChemPID) is organized within the Industry and Sciences Department of ISA. ChemPID aims to contribute to the professional involved in the processing of chemicals, petrochemicals, petroleum, and natural gas.  From raw materials to products ChemPID strives to advance best practices in: Safety, Environmental, Production Efficiency, Operations, Process Control, and Automation. With global competition no operation can run the same year after year.  Your plant is either improving or declining.  ChemPID is here to give you the tools you need to improve your plant!

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  • Loud and clear, Sir! (Wish some of this was shared earlier to avoid the confusion.) Looking forward to the communities. ------------------------------ Khalid Ansari Principal ICS Cybersecurity Engineer FM Approvals ------------------------------

  • Thank you for the clarification, Steve. I appreciate this is not a small effort. ------------------------------ Khalid Ansari Principal ICS Cybersecurity Engineer FM Approvals ------------------------------

  • Hi fellow ISA members, I am Atish Bagchi based in Melbourne, Australia. I am an ISA member for over 20 years now and have been working in the areas of Deep learning, AI, Digital Twins, Automation, MES, IoT etc for last 30 years for industrial use cases in Manufacturing, Utilities, ...

  • Hello everyone I'm John Rouffas. Ex CISO/CTO/SIEM pioneer unfortunately relocated to Melbourne Australia because of the pandemic. I was based in Atlanta prior and worked on securing critical infrastructure as well as a CISO for a toxic fintech organization. I am a member ...

  • It was not meant to provide a clear road map. There was going to be a gap between the sunsetting of divisions and the technical communities. We needed everyone to take a pause in the in between to reflect (perhaps?), and prepare for change. Technical Communities are not going ...

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