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PMCD is organized within the Automation and Technology Department of ISA. Our primary goal is to advance the interests and knowledge of our members. PMCD supports nearly 6,000 members by operating Technical Committees, publishing an industry-specific newsletter and participating with other ISA divisions in technical events.

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  • Adding to what Jonas has linked to, Emerson's AMS Device Manager has multiple capabilities to support some of the above tasks. AMS Device Manager supports integration to well known documenting calibrators such as those from Fluke and Beamex. It's easy to schedule and create ...

  • Hello everyone, I am Andrés Arrieta . I'm from Ecuador, I am an automation and controls engineer, I work for an integrator company in Ecuador. I enjoy learning more about the new trends in the automation fields. I have experience with PLC's, SCADAS, HMI and Funtional Safety ...

  • Thermocouples in catalyst beds???? If yes, they are not redundant measurements. While this might be the voting in the SPLC. This is not the voting in the SIF definition. So a much simpler SIL Calc and beta factor estimation exercise. ------------------------------ Michael ...

  • Hi Sagir, Not that I am aware of. In any case, it always depend on the instrument requirements, which differ from one to another. That been said, it shouldn't be complicated to define a basic set of rules based on standard parameters and do calculation only if a given instrument ...

  • Jonas, Monitoring of a Thief hatch or the position of any other mechanical device by a proximity switch does not necessitate instrumentation taagging or symbology for the mechanical device. Per iSA-5.1, the proximity switch would be identified by an instrument bubble with a ...

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