ISA Pune Section is pleased to announce its next Monthly TechTalk on 9th Jun 2023, virtually, on WebEx, on the topic Optimising Energy Efficiency Through Process Automation & Data Analytics
In brief - The Talk will cover the aspect of how process optimization can be achieved through automation & controls based on data analytics through case studies.
The Speaker:
Mr. Shripad Kulkarni - Lead : Innovation Mgt in Forbes Marshall.
Shripad Kulkarni received his Bachelor degree in Mechanical engineering and Master of Technology degree in Thermal Engineering from Govt. College of engineering, Pune, in 2007. He joined the R & D department of Forbes Marshall in the Boiler Combustion group, His field of work comprises combustion, heat transfer, gas dynamics, fluid mechanics. Mr. Kulkarni has 3 patents and 20+ Journal and conference papers to his credit on process audit & data analytics.
He was awarded as “Young and emerging leader in energy efficiency for 2020 by CII at National level.
He also has won the National award for development of “Most energy efficient innovative product award” twice in 2012 for ECR burners and in 2020 for process centric Machine Learning based control system. He has varied hands-on experience on Burners/Boilers for process industry boilers over a span of 15 years with national and international exposure. He currently leads the Innovation Management for Forbes Marshall.
Participation is free and open to all, with prior registration.