January 2025 Technical Section Meeting

When:  Jan 21, 2025 from 06:30 PM to 07:30 PM (CT)
Associated with  Will-DuPage

Join us January 21st, 2025 as we learn from Jessica Morell, Software Product Manager with Rockwell Automation about Edge Computing.

Discover how edge computing is revolutionizing the manufacturing industry in this section meeting. We’ll explore the fundamentals of edge computing and delve into its transformative impact on manufacturing processes. Learn how real-time data processing at the edge enhances efficiency, reduces latency, and enables smarter decision-making on the factory floor. Join us to understand the future of manufacturing and how edge computing is driving innovation and operational excellence.

Jessica is currently a Software Product Manager at Rockwell Automation and has over a decade of experience in the technology, manufacturing, and industrial automation industries. Her previous role with Boston Consulting Group was managing their IoT consulting and go-to-market offering. Prior to BCG, she was an associate manager for Accenture’s Industry X practice, consulting with clients on how to digitize their operations, processes, and products. In her previous experience, she worked for WESCO, a large industrial automation solutions supply chain company. While there she held various roles and was the subject matter expert and product manager on Industry 4.0, IIoT, software, and industrial networking solutions. She has a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology from the University of Dayton.

Virtual Event!

We are hosting this month’s Technical Meeting Virtually. 

Register Here


Online Instructions:
Url: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/january-2025-technical-meeting-registration-1114006466329
Login: Join the Microsoft Teams meeting: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZDNiYzM3NTktMGNiOS00NzU5LWI1ZDMtNDVlZTk5NjE5MjZh%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22791bcf0c-aaa6-4ea1-9058-ccd279abae3a%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%220b9bc631-3a88-4dbc-8589-808ac33b7f74%22%7d Meeting ID: 265 509 768 976 Passcode: Xb9LF3Dc