Join ISA Los Angeles and Bussmann for a presentation by Brian Lewis on Overcurrent Protection Fundamentals. This will be an in-person and online event. Please see a topic summary and speaker bio below:
Overcurrent Protection Fundamentals Fuseology ( 1 hour – 45 min presentation 15 min Q&A )
Title: Overcurrent Protection Fundamentals: Fuseology
Executive Summary:
This presentation will cover the key overcurrent protection principles for both Fuse and Circuit Breakers. The key ratings of overcurrent protective devices, construction and types will be discussed. In addition, performance characteristics such as current-limitation and selective coordination will be reviewed. Finally, a summary of the key benefits of modern, current-limiting fuses will be presented.
Agenda and Key Points:
1. Important criteria when selecting OCPDs
2. OCPD construction and types – Fuses and Circuit Breakers
3. Key performance characteristics
4. Benefits of modern current-limiting fuses
5. UL low voltage branch circuit fuses
Brian Lewis
Brian Lewis is a Field Applications Engineer with the Bussmann Division of Eaton. Brian provides
technical assistance to Consulting Engineers, OEM’s, Electrical Contractors, Industrial End Users and
Electrical Inspectors on the Design, Development and application of Overcurrent Protection and
Electrical Safety.